Dressing up is a daily event at our house. On any given day, I'm assigned the role of either Pocahontas or Mulan - and the girls are either Ariel, Snow White, Cinderella - or some made-up princess. OR - we're all roaming around on all fours as dinosaurs. And, even on rare occasions, we're flying through the air as super-heroes with amazing super-powers such as the ability to "feed puppies" or "dance like a princess" or (my new favorite) "read" (!!)

So, Halloween is a big deal around here. Not only are we all dressing up - but the whole world is too!! AND - we all get candy to celebrate. The girls spend weeks and weeks dreaming up new ideas for what they're going to be...they already have a list a mile long for next year. But, this year, they both settled on cowgirl Jessie from Toy Story. We have the original (Sara) and the pink version (Georgia). And, we're wishing you all a very Happy Halloween! Enjoy it!

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Melissa Klein said...

Cutest little cowgirls ever! Seriously adorable. Love that last one, and the color and lighting are fantastic!
