My girls are SO excited about Valentine's Day. Everyday since February 1st, we've had to sit down and make a new valentine's for either Granny, a friend at school, Ms. Endicot (the pre-school teacher), Daddy, our next door neighbor, El Paso (our dog!)....pretty much anyone they can think of. And, I have to admit that I just love it. I love that they fully and freely love anyone who is nice to them. They are not guarded with their feelings AT ALL. I could use a little of that - and I'm so grateful they are here to remind me to be more caring, a bit more trusting, way more forgiving and to fill my life with love. I hope everyone has a fantastic Valentine's Day next week!

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Sarah said...

These are gorgeous! They make me want to bring my girls over to join in on the fun! What CUTE ideas!!

christina said...

AW!!!! these are precious!!!

Gail said...

Oh my goodness!!! These are way too cute!!! <3

sarah said...

pretty sure these are the cutest thing ever!

Jessi said...

omg, too cute! LOVE the last one!!

brit said...

cuteness overload!!

Ryann said...

What fun! They are adorable.

Melanie said...

Those are so sweet!
